Do miniature horses play?
As foals, Miniature horses play extensively, running and chasing other foals, and playing with
large balls. As the miniature horse matures they lose interest in play, but the mini horse can still enjoy games. One of the
favorite games for adult miniature horses is bobbing for apples. You simply fill a toddler pool with six inches of water,
and drop in two apples.
Do miniature horses sit?
Sitting is not natural or comfortable for a miniature horse, and miniature horses generally
only sit up after lying down. However, sometimes a mini horse will act like a dog. For example, Cuddles, the Guide Horse for
Dan Shaw, will lift her hind leg and scratch her ear, just like a dog.
How much Vet care do miniature horses require?
Vet care for a horse is comparable to that of a dog. Yearly immunizations are required, and
bi-monthly de-worming is required to keep the miniature horse healthy and protected from disease. A de-wormer (such as Ivermectin)
can be administrated orally by the owner. The mini horse also needs a farrier to trim their hooves every six to eight weeks.
Does a miniature horse need to be groomed?
Miniature horses shed twice per year, once in the spring as they lose their winter coats, and
again in the fall as their winter coat grows in. The mini horses love to be brushed, and owners are encouraged to brush their
miniature horse daily. Miniature horses can be bathed occasionally, but bathing too frequently will dry out their skin.
Do miniature horses get fleas?
No. Fleas have a natural aversion to mini horse skin so they do not get fleas.
How much does the average Guide Horse weigh?
The miniature horses chosen for Guide Horse training weigh approximately 55-100 pounds.
How did these miniature horses get to be so small?
While the exact origins of mini horses have been obscured over the centuries, early incunabula
texts refer to miniature horses being kept as prized companions of Hapsburg royalty as early as the 17th century. Just as
dogs have been bred to be small, centuries of selective breeding have resulted in miniature horses with calm dispositions.
Many American miniature horses are extremely small because of the deliberate introduction of dwarfism genes. This dwarf breeding practice has precipitated a high mortality rate among American miniature horses.
Are Miniature horses a separate breed?
While the exact origins vary by country, miniaturized horses have been bred-down by selective
breeding techniques on every continent. The American Miniature horse was declared a separate breed in 1978 by the AMHA, but many other miniature horse breeds exist, with names like Australian Miniature Pony, Miniature Toy Horse, Micro Mini, Falabella and Dartmoor Pony.
What is the difference between a dwarf horse, midget pony and a miniature horse?
In the opinion of many Veterinarians, all miniature horses possess some of the genetic markers for
dwarfism. Equine dwarfism is a relatively rare occurrence in large horses, but it is far more common in miniature horses who
have been bred exclusively for small size. Animal research indicates that there are more than 320 separate and distinct types
of dwarfism, each with a unique genetic marker and characteristics. Click here to understand the history of the miniature horse.
Unfortunately, many miniature horse breeders in the horse industry categorize all congenital anomalies
as a singular condition of dwarfism, and this misconception has fostered an overgeneralization regarding equine dwarfism.
Some types of equine achondroplastic dwarfism have specific physical characteristics such as short limbs and bulging forehead,
but do not adversely effect the intelligence or lifespan of the horse. Click here to read about genetic mechanisms in equine dwarfism.
Other forms of equine dwarfism such as diastrophic dysplasia dwarfism are characterized by severe orthopedic
deficiencies and a host of other physical problems. In short, all miniature horses exhibit some of the clinical degree of
dwarfism, and their small size is the inevitable result of selective inbreeding for size. Of course, all miniature horses
submitted to the Guide Horse Foundation must pass a complete physical examination and possess the intelligence and stamina
to complete the training program.
The baby miniature foals are adorable.
Are they easy to breed?
The answer depends on the heritage of the breeding stock.
In the United States there is a high incidence of delivery problems and birth defects, largely due to contamination by dwarfism genes. Other foreign breeds such as the Miniature Toy
Horse and the U.K. Shetland Pony are said to have far less birthing problems and foal deaths. Pedigree research is said to be very important.
Are miniature horses a recognized horse
No. There is no recognized breed-wide standard for miniaturized
horses, and dozens of separate registries emerged for miniature horses, each with their own unique standards for conformation
and size.
Some miniature horse registries are concerned solely with
the size of the miniature horse or their coat coloration, while other registries reject miniature horses on the basis of their
physical conformation, with subjective criteria for dwarfs, midgets, and genetic mutants.
Do people show miniature horses?
Yes. There are dozens of independent miniature horse
show registries, each with their own standards and rules. Click here for details on showing miniature horses in the United States. The Guide Horse Foundation is not affiliated with any of the miniature horse registries and treats
each of them with equal respect and consideration.
What is the origin of the miniature horse?
Over the past 100 years there has been a great amount of
disagreement regarding the origins and genetic characteristics of miniature horses. Some miniature horse breeds such
as the Falabella horses of Argentina were developed in a totally separate environment from the tiny European miniature horses
of the eighteenth century, and independent breeding programs have been established on every continent. In the USA in
the 1960s, these horses were called midget ponies, while in South America they were known as Falabella horses. In the
1970s a movement arose to change the name of tiny horses to miniature horses, and many registries were established with standard sizes ranging from 28 inches to 38 inches.
Because our Guide Horses are considerably smaller than
miniature horses, we call them pigmy horses, both out of respect for the miniature horse registries and to ensure that the
Guide Horses are not confused with any one of the numerous registry standards for miniature horses.
How well do miniature horses see?
Miniature horses possess amazing vision. With their eyes mounted squarely on the sides of their
heads, they possess nearly 350 degree vision. The miniature horses are also extremely sensitive to motion in their field of
vision and often detect a potential hazard before their sighted trainers. Guide Horses also have excellent night vision and
can see clearly in almost total darkness.
Do Horses have teeth issues?
All horses teeth grow continuously and a horse expert can gauge the approximate age of any horse
by examining the horses teeth. The reliable growth of horses teeth fostered the origin of the old saying "Never look
a gift horse in the mouth" and "Long in the tooth" to describe an elderly person.

Do miniature horses have weight problems?
Yes, you must carefully watch the diets of miniature horses.
Because they evolved
on the barren Shetland Islands, most miniature horses are "easy keepers", and metabolize food extremely efficiently.
Miniature horses should never eat people food, and some miniature horses need low-feed muzzles to keep
them from getting obese. |